Minister: Bishop David .O. Oyedepo
The Need for the Spirit of Sanctification
Iniquity shall abound in the end times and shall lead to the fall of many; Matthew 24:12, 2 Timothy 3:1. Hence, we need the Spirit of sanctification to remain spiritually in shape and ready for the rapture. You cannot live a sanctified life by chance, and neither can you make heaven by chance but by taking spiritual responsibility from the scriptures; 2 Timothy 2:19, 1 Corintians 6:9-10.
Christianity without a crave for sanctification is an adventure in frustration!
The Spirit of Sanctification
Everybody needs the Spirit of sanctification to live a sanctified life. It is impossible to live a life that pleases God without the help of the Helper, the Holy Spirit.
When it is well with you spiritually, it is well with you in every other area of life. Hence, you are redeemed to be holy as God is holy but this cannot be realised without the help of the Spirit of holiness. You need the Holy Spirit to refine every rotten area of your life; Ephesians 4:17.
You cannot partake of the diverse ministries of the Holy Ghost without a genuine thirst and longing for the Spirit; Psalms 63:1-3. Hence, have a genuine thirst for the Spirit to enjoy His diverse manifestations.
Covenant Demands for a Sanctified Life
Sanctification is God’s will for you (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 John 5:14-15).
1. You must watch and pray, so as not to fall into temptation; Matthew 36:24, 26:41, Luke 9:28-29.
– Prayer does not only change things, it also changes people.
2. Continue to crave for the enduement of the Spirit of holiness; John 7:37-39, Malachi 3:1-4.
– The mission of the Holy Ghost is to refine you to live a life that pleases God.
3. You must imbibe the Spirit of the fear of the Lord that keeps believers from evil; Proverbs 16:6.
– Imbibing the Word is imbibing divine nature; Psalms 119:11.
– You can’t carry divine nature and be subjected to the spirit of corruption.
4. You need the Spirit of holiness to be effectual and fervent in prayer.
5. You need the Spirit of holiness to live a holy life.
Covenant Day of Marital Settlement Ministration
Marriage is a manifestation of God’s favour upon the redeemed.It is a good thing, and every good thing is our inheritance in Christ; Genesis 2:18, Luke 11:13.
Every child of God that so desires has every right to be settled in marriage; Psalms 68:6; 18:22.
You cannot claim to love God and not love your spouse. Those who truly love God will love their spouse. Love is the cord that binds marriages but when there is no love, it becomes a marriage of inconvenience. Hence without love, every marriage is at risk.
Don’t wait for your spouse to love you first; love your spouse.
Do your part!
Don’t look for things to get married to, look for a person to get married to.
Beware of pride!
Don’t marry a degree or position; marry a person.
To Actualise Your Glorious Marital Destiny, you must;
1. Be saved and remain in love with God.
– Without love, your marriage is at risk.
2. Seek light from the Word and through anointed books on the subject matter; 2 Timothy 2:15.
– Settle down with the word and anointed books to learn the way forward in your marriage.
3. Don’t rebel against the covenant of marriage; Ephesians 5:23-25.
– No one plays down on the truth and survives.
4. Be committed to kingdom advancement endeavours; Matthew 6:33, Exodus 23:25-26.
5. Beware of pride; it can destroy your marital destiny (Proverbs 16:18).
6. Engage the power of faith to keep the devil at bay in your marriage; 1 John 5:4.