MINISTERING: Bishop David .O. Oyedepo

TEXT: Ezekiel 34:25 – 26

CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 67:1- 7


A covenant is God’s spiritual deal, a verdict, enacted by God based on well-defined terms and sealed with an oath; Heb. 6:15 -18. A covenant can be defined also as doing what God says to do, to commit Him to do what He says He would do. A doing nothing platform is a losing platform. There must be a thing that must be done for God to do what He says He would do. Hence, we must do as instructed by the scriptures in order to commit God to do what He says He would do. If you won’t do what He says, you will not see promises fulfilled. 

Fearful blessings equals showers of blessings. Every provision of the Kingdom delivers on a covenant platform. Every blessing has conditions attached to it that must be met for the blessings to be released.

What is Unique about the Blessings of God? 

1. It terminates dry seasons both spiritually and practically; Psalms 1:3, 112:6,9, Romans 8:6, Jeremiah 17:7-8.

2. It secures the generational order of blessings; Psalms 112:2, Ecclesiastes 3:14.

3. It secures access to light in darkness; Psalms 112:4, Isaiah 60:1.

4. It enhances supernatural insights; Psalms 112:5, Jeremiah10:12, James 1:5.

5. It renders your enemy helpless; Psalms 112:8,10, Numbers 23:20.

 Characteristics of Divine Blessings

1. His blessings are sorrow-free; Proverbs 10:22.

2. Divine blessings are irreversible in Nature; Numbers 23:20, Genesis 12:1- 3, 2 Chronicles 15:2.

3. His blessings are liberal; Psalms 112:9.

4. His blessings are full of compassion; Psalms 112:5,9.

5. His blessings are fear-free; Hebrews 2:14 -15, Psalms 112:7, 8.

6. His blessings confer honour;  Psalms 112:9.

When God blesses you, shame and reproach are eradicated from your life. Redemption brings us under the blessings of the Lord but these blessings demand obedience for its release (Psalms 112:6, Deuteronomy 28:1 – 2.)

How To Come Under The Blessings of the Lord

1. Through a proven new birth experience (Acts 3:26, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Acts 3:26, Galatians 3:13 -14, Revelation 5:12.) 

2. Engage in obedience of faith to His Word; Deuteronomy 28:1- 2.

3. Engage the altar of prayer to clear off barriers on the path of the blessings of God in your life; Genesis  32:24 – 28.

4. Through the tithing of God’s blessings upon your life (Malachi  3:10,  Leviticus 27:30, Matthew 23:23, Hebrews 7.)

It is a divine transaction that keeps heavens open over our lives, not a way of raising offerings to the church.

5. Through kingdom advancement sacrifices. It’s a sacrifice if it costs you something; Deuteronomy 26:17.

6. Through a lifestyle of joyful stewardship; Deuteronomy 28:47- 48, Joel 1:12.

Anointing Service

Anointing simply means divine enablement or empowerment. There is an anointing for blessings that helps us to align with the demands that bring a believer under the shower of blessings; Psalms 23:5 – 6.

Anointing for Blessings:

– It helps you to align with the demands of the blessing.

– It empowers you for delightsome and tireless obedience which then provokes the blessings of God on our lives.; Psalms 23:5 – 6, Ezekiel 37:27.

– It empowers your giving life; John 10:17-18.

– It is the oil of joy that always brings you into favour with God.

– It restores man’s dignity; Joel 2:23-26, Isaiah 61:3 – 8.

When you do what He says to do, you have committed Him to do what He said He’d do.

We cry to God to know what we must do to be blessed and  knowing what to do to secure His blessings on your life.


1. Do not turn your back on God

2. Beware of seeking after other gods. He is a jealous God who can not stand double dealings. It can be devastating going after other gods.

3. Beware of wrong association.

4. Beware of staying away from Zion – The Church.

You will not be cheated out of your blessings again! You are not ending in the valley; God is bringing you out. The Content of this bottle is now declared the holy anointing oil. It shall empower your obedience to the next level, the days of sorrow and regret are over in your life! Amen. 

The days of unpleasant surprises are over in your life! Financial struggles are over in your life, an end has come to every struggling area of your life by this anointing. Every part of God’s blessings will begin to manifest in your life, every dry season is over in your life. Your life will keep reflecting the Blessings of the Lord from today! Wherever you are notwithstanding, God’s blessing will begin to manifest! His blessings will keep speaking in your life! 

Be Blessed!