Text: Daniel 4:30
When we preach healing, healing virtues are being released, as you hear the words of Thanksgiving now, the virtue will be released now in Jesus name! Amen!
Earlier God’s servant – Bishop Oyedeo said, “thanklessness is a crime against oneself, not thanking God is hurting your destiny.”
Nebuchadnezzar was thankless and God sent him on sabbatical leave for 7 years , the mountain where he commanded became the mountain from which he ate grasses.
When you don’t humble yourself, God will humiliate you!
To prove how useless Nebuchadnezzar was, God allowed the kingdom to be without a king for 7 years and everything was fine.
It’s a crime, a deadly crime, things don’t go forward or upward for unthankful people. God hears thanksgiving faster than prayer.
The more you thank God, the less your prayer becomes.
As you keep thanking Him, He takes charge of what others are interceding for; 1 John 5:14
When we do His will, He hears us and thanksgiving is God’s will.
Prayer can be done in error or excessive but thanksgiving can never be excessive.
Thanksgiving excites God, Thanksgiving is comely unto Him; Acts 16:25
When you pray, God sends angels for the answer but when you thank God, He comes by Himself. Those who boast in God, have their destiny boosted.
Keep boasting, keep thanking Him and He will keep you boosted all the days of your life!
When light comes, promotion is granted.
Increases and enlargement comes by light, light is our greatest treasure; Proverbs 3:13
You cannot have light and be sad, it brings happiness and Joy.
You can’t have light and be poor!
God brought us into light at Shiloh 2023 but this light is in different levels of glory and it appreciates by appreciating Him, and revelation answers to appreciation.
He is the one who gave us light, He is the one we must appreciate. If you want more revelation, engage in appreciation.
God’s word is the wisdom bank from heaven.
The effect of this wisdom bank is for our engagement so that we can produce our testimonies.
Applied insights keep changing our stories, putting the word to work is what makes things to work; Philipians 2:12.
All of us heard the word but each person has to work it personally by application, the word works only when we put it to work;
John 9:6. You don’t see results until you go to apply it; Psalm 81:10-14.
In the midst of your poverty, declare your abundance, declare that you’re flourishing, if you don’t say it,
there’s nothing God can do. If you don’t engage the word, you won’t see the result of the word.
If you despise the word, you have trapped your destiny.
Thanksgiving triggers the supernatural naturally; Psalm 92:1-2,10.
People who thank God don’t get weak, through thanksgiving Sarah received strength to conceive.
The day you wake up thanking God is a captured day. Fresh oil answers to thanksgivers; Ephesians 5:18-20.
Ever thankful is ever anointed!
Intense thanksgiving will always result in extensive blessings. You don’t meet a thanksgiver where you left him, his level always changes.
Jesus gave thanks to God, what was called insufficient became more than enough.
Jesus gave thanks to God, Lazarus came out of the grave.
Thanksgiving is the conclusion of prayer!
You alpha your prayer with Thanksgiving, and omega your prayer with Thanksgiving.
If it appears something is dying, give thanks to God for it, thanksgiving is the power of resurrection.
Nothing dies with Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving made Giant
1. Abraham; Genesis 22:5
Anything you thank God for comes back with you, you don’t thank God for anything to die in your hand.
2. Joseph; Genesis 41:15-16
Be quick to refer every glory back to God, be quick in referencing God.
Grateful men are great men, you can’t miss your greatness being grateful to God; Psalm 114:3-4
3. Daniel; Daniel 2:19
Addiction to Thanksgiving is what makes great!
4. Paul
All of His epistles have thanksgiving at the first chapter, to rejoice always is to be grateful to God.
Thanksgiving is key to stir your joy, stir your praise
Everything that seems to be going down in your life will start going up right now!
You don’t ask somebody smiling what is wrong!
If Satan tells you something has not happened, tell him Satan you are blind!