Title: Beware of the ongoing new generation syndrome
Ministering: Bishop David Oyedepo
AYAC Day 3 Evening Session
Spirituality is key to fulfilment of destiny to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 1 Timothy 4:6
It takes spirituality to sustain the grace of God upon our lives. And this convention among others is to stir a strong spiritual orientation, so no one plays away his destiny. Spirituality secures the future and eternity 3 John1:2
It takes spirituality to make heaven, it takes spirituality to make heaven 1Tim 4:8 1Corinthians 6:9.
It takes spirituality to walk in righteousness, it takes being conscious of live in the kingdom to walk in righteousness
Prayer: You would not just make it great here you would make it great to heaven(amen)
Beware of the ongoing new generation syndrome which celebrates iniquity and tries to explain it
away because the mystery of iniquity doeth already work. 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
The agenda of the enemy is to take people out the way using iniquity Greek and Hebrew to confuse people. John 14:6.
And miss righteousness and appropriation not an actualization. Beware of the new generation
syndrome that has plagued the body of Christ today. Its purpose is to get God’s people out of the way
so God can turn their back on them like he did to Solomon. Solomon God’s beloved became God’s
enemy. He turned his back on God and God turned his back on Him. Spirituality is the way out, way
forward and the way upward. Spirituality is the way out any entanglement of her. The way forward in
our work with God, and our way upward as it secures eternity. Beware of the new generation
- It connotes or can be defined as a delightful pursuit of God. Psalm 112:1-3.
In 1977, the lord showed me from A.W Tozer’s book, the pursuit of God. Psalm 63: 8
The lord said to me then “the harder you follow me, the higher you fly”. we followed hard to come to Canaan land, is a hard follower ship. To stop the church in Lagos and move to the church of unknown, What! my God. I was 23 when the lord said to me the harder you follow me, the higher you fly, Spirituality is a delight some pursuit of God
- Undying crave to please God, Philippian 1:21, Acts 24:16, 1 Timothy 4:8, John 8:29.
- It is living by the dictates of scriptures, Luke 6:40, Matthew 7:24-25.
Living by the dictates of scripture, creates a gorgeous future, Deuteronomy 28:1,
nothing of value is free, value is a function of cost, buy the truth and sell it not, Proverbs 23:23, you buy, it is at a cost, you buy instructions, it is at a cost, when the word say flee, you flee, the word says pray, you pray, the word says watch, you watch. Every truth that adds value is at a cost.
- A genuine passion for the word, Joshua 1:8, 1 Timothy 4:13, 15,
Word addiction will always result in a world of celebration; your profiting is appearing to all. Everybody is saying now see what God is doing in His life.
- A genuine proven love for God, 1 John 3:18.
A proven love for God makes high flyer in the kingdom. 1 Corinthians 2:9,
One of the proof of our love for God is our love for souls, to see souls saved. John 21:15-17, and then of course giving, 2 Corinthians 8:8.
- A commitment to a life of prayer, Luke 18:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Ephesians 6:18,
when thou prayest not if thou prayest, so it is an agenda, Matt 6:6, Prayer doesn’t only change things, prayer changes people, Luke 9:28-35, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Hebrew 4:16
These are all factors that define true spirituality.
- Taking responsibility for one’s personal sanctification, Jesus said in, John 17:19, you and I must say, for the sake of heaven, I must sanctify myself, 2 Timothy 2:19-21,
A spiritual man takes responsibility to sanctify himself, 1 John 3:3, nobody takes an adult to the bathroom, he takes himself to cleanup, if he is not sick, you were babies, that’s okay, but for your mother to bath for you before you go for NYSC, it’s a problem, or when you are going to work, she said, “come let me bath for you”, it’s an eye sore, the foundation of God is departure from sin, Psalm 11:3,
when foundation is destroyed, salvation will mean nothing.
Who then is a spiritual man?
- One that walks in the fear of God as a lifestyle, Genesis 42:18, Daniel 6:4-5,
- One who lives by the word. Matthew 4:4.
3. one who lives by the instructions of the word. Proverbs 4:13, 2 timothy 3:16-17
That implies 75% of the book is about instructions so if all you are doing is flying about with principles you are wasting time if you get all the 25% it is not equal to pass mark it is the instructions that give you the make that makes you a winner
Living by the word is embracing the instruction as a lifestyle embracing the instruction as a lifestyle You want to prosper it is only on the mystery of his covenant not your idea not your principle
Genesis 8 22
So sowing and reaping is giving and receiving my friend! You won’t take that instruction you keep struggling for light gasping
Philippians 4:15-19
Supernaturally I have never begged or borrowed 42 years of ministry 42 years of ministry I have never called anybody on phone in my life can you help we have never held any social focus meeting in this commission for financial purposes I have never taken over draft from any bank in my life as a matter of fact u entered the last bank 1989 I am not going there to borrow so I can always tell them to send me my money the only one I entered after that was microfinance bank they said I should come and pray I said do you know something that do you know that this is the second time of me entering bank in Lagos you won’t do what he says you Will stay there for life
There are many poor pastors that preach prosperity with sweat preaching does not make it happen you can preach others to wealth and remain a popper it is not you it is the word you preach. Believe and operate in and that is why they are flying
A spiritual man lives by the instructions of the scripture he that winneth soul is wise. Proverbs 13:20, Daniel 12:3
Instruction! Instruction!
4.One who walks in delight some obedience
John 10:17-18
5. One that judges himself truly don’t wait till someone else calls you a fool, discover your folly before anyone does and you will escape that insult and turn away from it and you will remain a wise man 2Corinthians 11:31
6. One that manifests the fruit of the spirit not by appearance. Galatians 5:22-24, Romans 14:17
The fruit of the spirit is the authentic proof of the redeemed without this fruits happening in our lives then we need to turn before it is too late.
7.One that is committed to fellow-shipping with the saints. Psalm 84:7.
Fellowship is Gods service station where we refuel for the race Hebrew 3:13
So it is like a car wash you drive your vehicle it sprays water sprays water and whatever thing cleans you and you drive out we are cleaned you by fellowship. John 15:3, Ephesians 5:26
We go from strength to strength in fellowship, Hebrews 10:25 .
Much more so as you see the mystery in iniquity raging across the world I had some discussion with some discussants on one Christian channel on the Roman empire collapsed through moral decadence they were clapping and yelling at people being killed and so they said let America be warned this ongoing moral decadence may lead to the collapse of that kingdom it an American speaking who will ever have believed that that that great empire will descend to where they are now it takes time to build it doesn’t take time to bring down this building looks so magnificent a litre of petrol will do justice to it and level it before tomorrow morning
Prayer: no destiny here will collapse
So it is not strange thing it has happened before history is repeating itself but may we be on the positive side of history we are looking at……………………………syndrome and we will stop here ever will need to stop
We are admonished to stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest your souls. Jeremiah 6:16-17.
We are a new generation of people the bible also states that, Romans 15:4
They are written so that we don’t fall in to the same ditch that some them fell in to on one ever gives birth to himself every one living is born of a woman every new plant is a product of a seed of the seed from the old plant this implies that every new thing is clearly a product of the old, John 8:39, Galatians 3:29
It is in following in the blessings of the old that we tap into new order of blessing because every generation is ordained to be an improvement of the previous. Isaiah 51:1-3.
Now that is God’s word concerning Abraham and that is God’s word concerning the church but we have to do the works of Abraham to experience the blessings of Abraham the walk of obedience that is why no new generation can thrive without genuine connectivity to the old.
I have a word of faith mandate from heaven but he tied me to the loins of Hagin who had that before me to realize what he gave me to do and I heard him say to me pattern your ministry after this man every new generation emerges from genuine connectivity to the old before him
One cannot be dedicated to God for instance like Daniel and not emerge tops in his endeavors dedicated to the point of death and God brought him back to life he lived with the lions overnight and came out unscratched. Daniel 6 20
I remember declaring to a few of our leader on October 3rd 1984 we were believing God for 3000 to pay for rent and I said humorously now that we are all at the same level God will not appeal to me to give it but now that we are all on the same level understand what am saying because some of us will take off in the air and you will start saying we don’t even know what they are using let me tell you what am using am sold out to God it was impromptu speech it was not prepared speech, you can’t forget who you are, I am sold out God, that is what I signed in that pact 1976 sept 12, to make God my reason for living, it is showing today. One cannot be faithful like Abraham in his walk with God and not be supernaturally impactful Abraham at 75 had an army to himself some years after that could take on the army of another nation what an impact what an empire, Genesis 14:14.
One cannot follow God leading like Isaac and not become the envy of his world so if you heard some teachings today on vision the mystery behind the dominion of every God given vision is Gods manifest presence that knows no barriers if it is God sending you somewhere you won’t smell, you won’t stink you won’t struggle to make things happen beware of sending yourself to where God has not sent you can’t back up yourself but when God sends a man he goes before him to make the crooked path straight, Isaiah 45:1 -3.
He goes with him, Psalm 23:4.
- He walks with you that is what manes heavenly vision this heavenly vision cannot be stopped no change of government can stop him no bittier leader can stop him walking in the plan of God and he walks with him, Matthew 16:20.
We are following a heavenly vision he walks through you he is the lord who is at work in you so he works through you and when you come to your weak end he works for you
Philippian 2:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:24.
Sir God built Cannanland who did? (crowd answers) he built this facility that we are in in just 1 year Only God can do that only God he goes before you to make the crooked path straight we came onto Lagos within two weeks we got all the facility we needed straight on no struggle they were all prepared like the ass that was never ridden the house we lived in Lagos was completed 5 years no one in it God kept it he sent us to the right place and he got everything working instance awesome God where the staff stayed a block of 6 flats just completed no one had taken a part of it
He goes before you and makes the crooked paths straight. Isaiah 45:2.
Don’t mistake ambition with vision you will be struggling on your life to make it work am as relaxed as air am working in the Centre on Gods plan because the end time army will be an army of visionaries they shall walk everywhere in his way and they shall not break their ranks I have not been involved in any form of business in 42 years I have never bought a thing from a nation to sell to another I have never taken a dime from books or tapes in my life a spiritual man wants to walk in the center of Gods plan a spiritual man wants to walk in the center of Gods plan. Proverbs 14:12.
They seem right but they are wrong God said to me your future is not in your plan. Jeremiah 29 11.
So your future is not in your plan it is not your ambition your future is God’s plan may you enjoy working in God’s plan
Prayer: May you enjoy working in God’s plan(amen)
In case he doesn’t show you what the plan is stand stay on the watch Habakkuk 2:1-3
Wait for him to say lord what do you want for me not want do u like not what do you desire. the end time is the era of visionary people walking cautiously in-line with Gods plan for them not jacketing around, wandering star. Any generation that disconnect from the former cannot thrive the truth is that is that there no old generation truth there is no new generational truth there is no old fashioned truth is tarns generational through the blood of Jesus which we now call it the blood of everlasting covenant welcome to the old testament he came to fill it that is the old testament and he answers, the words spoken to us by the prophets in this last days by his sons. ohh!! the new testament together you find the people screaming old testament ask them and they keep on preaching from the old testament. Matthew 5:17.
It is the living word both the old testament and the new people are just twisting the word to suite their interest and people are following them.it is foolishness to follow preachers without proofs. Sons and daughters of this church and outside the word get hold of the book “walking in the newness of life” to secure foundation of your life and get the book “conquering controlling powers” to get loose of the power of hell on the hold of your life you saw a man now he was cheating he was lost nearly out living grand herbalist told him” only God can handle him” and you are now with that God and you are now messing up. Many of you need to break some stupid relationships, otherwise you are heading for a lifelong frustration. 1cor 15:33.
Not adjusted salvation appropriated salvation because you want to be married what nonsense! You must not give the devil room to tamper with your destiny truth is truth take it leave it. 2 cor 13 8
God’s word Is valid for all times and all ages, 1 pet 1 23, Matt 24 53
There are no private revelations every revelation of the truth applies to whosoever is interested hmmm!
Luke 1 45
Prayer: it is your turn it is your turn
What God says to one he says to all. Mark 13 33
As long as the laws of nature remain intact the laws of the eternally intact you can’t stop the moon form showing up at its time and you can’t stop the sun from coming out at his time so you can’t stop the word from working. Jer 33: 20-21
Obedience is the gate way to a world of breakthrough no one can make heaven without righteousness, 1Cor 6 9, 1 john 3 7 8
Living right was no life span we must keep at it till the end honoring one’s parent is key to living a honorable life, Eph 6 3
Joseph prevailed by the blessing of the father the blessing of the mother and of the womb and of the breast you can’t be killed with blessing on your life, Isa 65 8.
You carry a blessing you become indestructible we said let us kill him the blessing said don’t kill him sell him into his destiny the blessing won’t let them kill him and he said that the blessing of thy father has prevailed above the blessing of thy progenitors blessing is meant to prevail while others travail learns to honor your parents in truth and indeed
A young man in church here heard me make some statements on this one Sunday he just came back from NYSC and went home that Sunday evening and dispensed some honor on his parents the following Tuesday he got a job as a manager the blessing of the father prevailed you will find some fellow he is my father he can’t tell me where am going I am a graduate so you are now his father my God! Honoring one’s parent provokes a blessing ………………………….my grandmother proclaimed a blessing upon me when I was 20 when I did some honor to her because she brought me up well she said you shall be great I was 20 I had no bank account anywhere I may not be great yet but I am not small amen
If I land at the airport and am going somewhere and I ask for a plane any whoever has it ii ask for it and am going amen I will go that is how small, I am
don’t miss it don’t pull your shoulders against your parents, you are cutting down your destiny without knowing some of you need to go to your parents and apologize for any behavior that you have displayed you leanings on a golden bed your parents are sleeping on a mat what a daughter what a shame it is a first commandment with a promise that it may be well with you some folk are hanging around the world today they don’t even remember they have parent some will never show up their parent need them we don’t have we don’t have so you can’t have
It is part of our covenant responsibility
Prayer: you won’t miss it in the name of Jesus
So beware of this free-lance Christianity everything not convenient for them is old testament beware of the spirit of error it is all over the world today, 1 john 4 6
When the word of God becomes distasteful to you are on tour way out, James 5 19 20
Prayer: no one here will suffer that plague
Beware of the spirit of error. 2 pet 3 15 16. They twist it in Greek it doesn’t mean sin no your spirit cannot sin it is born again it is your body that sins the lust of the eyes is that spirit the lust of the flesh is that spirit the pride of life is that spirit but it is twisted let no man deceive you he that doeth righteous is righteous no unrighteous man can make heaven. 1 cor 6 9 11.
Righteousness is one of our core pillars of faith in this commission here are 12 pillars that is why I told you don’t bring ay body into this meeting apart from members of the family caution if your faith does not lead you to heave you are a loser
Prayer you will not become a loser you will make it through to the end let me hear your loudest amen
This is a night of spiritual reorientation victory over sin is the foundation for our faith his name shall be called Jesus he shall save his people from their sin. Matthew 1 21, Act 3 26
So the blessings demand that we turn away from iniquity, 2 Tim 2 19
It is foundational departure from iniquity departure from iniquity departure from iniquity it creates a future and secures eternity a deliberate departure being religious is not being born again you need to show the fruit of repentance. matt 3 8, Luke 3 8
don’t say I repent and not change there must be a v=change. Matt 7 20.
Though we are saved by grace we cannot continue in sin for grace to abound sin will turn grace to a disgrace
Prayer: no one will end his journey in disgrace. Rom 6 1.
Salvation means the engagement to walk in the newness of light. Eph 2: 5.
All the following fell out of grace. Samson fell out of grace because of sexual perversion his two eyes were plucked out he became a toy in the eyes of his enemy. Judges 16 1 21. Ghazi lost his ministry to the pursuit of ungodly gain Judas became a son of perdition through a lust of money. John 12 6.
But God will always keep space for us to repent the space given is not forever easy sought repentance but it was too late, Judas repented but it was too late this ten times you have provoked me I won’t take it anymore may no one abuse the space granted by Christ, Rev 2 21
No one can retain Gods presence in sin, Amos 3 3
Prayer: In the name of Jesus no on shall end up a victim.
The same way we must do things to realize our prosperity in Christ it is r=the same way we must do things for our new birth in Christ to be realized.
Prayer: I release the grace foe us all to step into a new work with God.
So we must beware and be warned of this end time syndrome Satan is on a rampage to get as many as he can get out of the way.
Prayer: He won’t get you won’t miss your way with God.