You need to keep your faith alive to keep your life shining. When your faith comes, fear goes. – Mark 4:36-40. When faith comes, apprehension disappears and rest comes. 2 Cor 13:5. Whatever you truly believe, you speak. Whatever you can’t boldly declare, you don’t truly believe.
Faith is fake if it lacks profs in the life of an individual. Pro. 24:10. Whenever faith comes alive, victory comes alive. You cannot have faith and not know. What you don’t believe, you are not empowered to become. Faith only has one source, which is the Word of God. You need to study the Word of God to receive and grow your faith.
It is best to build your faith before the storms arise. Faith is not a myth but a mystery of the Kingdom. Without a genuine thirst for the Word, you are not a candidate for the faith that works. Impartation will never be a substitute for revelation. No matter who prays for you, without your faith, there will be no answer.
What is Faith?
– It is not waiting for God to work but putting God’s Word to work.
– It is committing God’s integrity to make good His promises.
– It is not a myth but a mystery of the Kingdom
– It is tangible; you can’t have it and not know.
– It is not a belief system that applies to all human beings but pertains only to the redeemed.
– It is reasoning with God in the light of His Word to discover what to do for His promise to come to pass. 1Tim. 4:15
– It is not a religious ideology, but a mystery of the Kingdom.
Until you are a child of God, you cannot claim an inheritance from God. Faith becomes relevant when you have a Father in heaven. Spiritual understanding is what stirs faith in a believer.
The inheritance of a father only belongs to his children, so until you are a child of God, you cannot claim an inheritance from Him. – Prov. 13:22. Until you are born again, you remain a stranger and a foreigner to the Kingdom. Eph. 2:19
The Faith that Works
- Redemption-based faith. – 2 Cor. 6:17-18
– Until you are a child of God, you cannot claim an inheritance from God. - Revelation-based faith. – Rom. 10:17-18, Rom 4:16
– Revelation is key; it is the master stirrer of faith. - Obedience-driven faith. – Rom. 4:12
– Obedience of faith speaks louder than voice. - Conscience-based faith. – 1 Tim. 1:19
Types of Conscience
- Weak conscience
- Defiled conscience
- Good conscience
- Dead conscience
– The mystery of faith will not deliver without a good conscience.
- Love-boosted faith. – Gal. 5:16
– Faith will not work beyond your level of love for God. Gal. 5:6 - Fear-free faith. Prov 29:25, Rom 8:15.
– Fear is a spirit of bondage that keeps people in captivity.
A declaration of enough-is-enough is only at the command of an individual’s faith. Mark 10:46-52, Matt 15:22-28. When your faith comes alive, all barriers of the wicked are shattered.