Jhn, 6:28-29
We must understand that whatever the mouth of God declares, only His hand can deliver -1 Kgs. 8:15/24
But it takes faith to secure the hand of God that performs the word-Isa. 53:1/Luk. 1:45
1. First, believe that God who wants all men saved. This includes those in our work and business places, our neighbours, family members, and relations and to come to the knowledge of the truth in church -2Chro.20:20/1 Tim.2:4/Jer 3:15-16/Eph. 4:8-11
2. Believe in the possibility of the delivery of your number of covenanted souls within this prophetic season – Heb. 11:33-34/ Num. 14:1-10/26-28/37-38
3. Believe that your engagement is ultimately for your profit Psa. 112:1-3/4-10/ Deut. 28:1-13/Exo. 23:25-26/Jhn. 14:21
4. Believe that your engagement will bring honour to God; for in the multitude of people is the king’s honour which entitles us to honour from God-Pro. 14:28/15am.2:30 5.
5. Believe that your engagement will secure healing, health and wholeness for you -Exo.23:25-26/2Cor5:17-20/Pro 13:17/hn 15:12
6. Believe that as you engage in turning many to righteousness that is, establishment in church, your star will break forth-Dan. 12:3 7. Believe in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for delivery and continue to demand for grace in prayer -John. 16.9-11/Act 1:8/Luk. 11:13
8. Plan and programme your operation and demand for grace to keep to your schedule -Eccl. 9:14-16/Pro. 21:22/Pro. 24:3-5/Heb. 4:16
9. Continue to appraise day by day how well you are faring with the drawn schedule and don’t watch any lapses continue, checkmate them -2 Cor.13:5/2Cor.11:31-32
10. Identify those who may not be far from the kingdom that is, religious people that don’t know God, target them for invitation to church, to meet with Christ for their salvation and breakthrough – Mak. 12:34/ Luk 14:17-23
11. Strategically compel challenged individuals around you to come to church for their desired breakthroughs at no charge-Rev.22:17/Jhn.4:29/39/Luk. 14:23
12. Be prepared to nurture them by ensuring they are always in church, go through foundation class, join WSF, attend midweek services as their jobs may allow, etc.
13. Keep rejoicing as you engage to secure your rewards-Hab. 3:17-19/
2Chro. 15:12/15/Joel.1:12/Deut. 28:47-48
14. Be thankful for the grace of engagement and for every result obtained – 1 Thess. 5:18/Heb. 10:36/Eph. 5:20
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo