Pre Message Charge: I Welcome Everyone to this Unique and Special Feet Washing Service, the Apostolic Grace upon this Commission shall be transferred to your body.
God’s Servant by the prompting of the Holy Spirit gave a signal that a Feet Washing should be held for the Entire Church and it is meant for our Dominion over Sickness and Disease and over the Power of Hell.

Jesus Exercised Dominion over Nature. He was always Respected and Before He left, He transferred the mantle to His servants through some channel which includes Feet Washing.
Tonight as our feet are washed your whole body is washed. God communicated our part to us through his Word.
Act 20:28 “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.”

Prayer Point:
Now stand up on your feet and raise your voice and say “I am taking my own part of Dominion in Christ today. I will no longer be opressed. I am Free from every incurable disease! shame and reproach! stagnation!