More than Conquerors’ greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ.
We give thanks to God for taking us through the mystery embedded in the Word all through the month of June, may everyone’s encounter with the Word remain an asset in the journey of life.
As we all know, every Word of scripture is valid for all times, but applicable only to those who choose to receive and believe same -Jhn 1:11-12/ Luk. 1:45
May every one of us remain committed to the validity of the Word and the integrity of our God who gave the Word all through the days of our lives in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

What then is the Holy Ghost saying for the Month of July 2022? Behind every move of God on the earth today, which is called revival, is the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit remains today, the mastermind of every revival, as the quickening (reviving) Spirit. The following are the manifestations of the revival ministry of the Holy Spirit across scriptures: The first man was made of clay and after God breathed His Spirit into this clay, it was quickened and became a living soul-Gen. 2:7/ Jhn 20:22
Secondly, we saw in the prophetic valley of the dry bones as narrated in the book of Ezekiel, how that the wind of God, that is the Holy Spirit blew, and there arose from the same valley a mighty host unto God-Ezk. 37:7-10/11-14
Again, we saw the Holy Ghost come upon the disciples in the Upper Room, which resulted in the first revival of the early Church – Act. 2:1-6/37-41/ Act. 5:12-16/28
Therefore, what we call the Acts of the Apostle today, is actually the Holy Ghost at work in the lives of God’s people. In addition, in a revival, the Holy Spirit:

• Stirs conviction that leads to massive conversion
-Jhn 16-9-11/Act. 2:37-41
Empowers the prayer life of believers – Zch. 12:10/ Rom. 8:26-27
• Stirs the flow of revelation – Jer. 31:34/Jhn. 14:26/Act. 6:7
Empowers believers to be effective witnesses of Christ-Act. 1:8/Act. 4:13-21/30-31
• Is the grand commander of signs and wonders
-Joel. 2:28-31/Act. 2:14-17/Act. 3:6-12
Is the spirit of wisdom that builds and sustains revival fire, resulting in supernatural church growth-Jhn. 16:7-11/ Act. 2:37-41/ Pro. 24:3-5
Furthermore, we recognise that revival times are seasons of glory all through the ages -Hab. 3:2-19/ Zch. 3:17-20

Every revival is ordained to restore the redemptive dignity of believers, that is, from transformation of our lives to supernatural impact on our society, thereby making us a showpiece to the world around us-Isa. 61:1-374-7
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of July 2022 is:
SEASONS OF GLORY! – Isa. 61:1-8
Recommended books of the month authored by me include:
* Not by Power nor by Might * Anointing for Breakthrough
* Understanding the Anointing * Anointing for Exploits
* Manifestation of the Spirit
(All these titles are also available on Amazonstore and Appleonlinestore)
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David Oyedepo