Message Title: Understanding the Blessedness of a Revival (Part 1A)
Ministering: Bishop David Oyedepo
The master key to a world of open doors is active partnership with Jesus. – Matt. 28:20
You do not sit down to experience glory, you take responsibility to experience glory.
Obedience has no expiry date. The day your obedience stops, the blessings that follow obedience stops. – Deut. 28:1,15

What does it take to experience the glory package?
1. Be a soul winner.
2. Pray for souls to be saved.
3. Obey every instructions of the scripture.
To walk in realm of unlimited favour, seek God’s kingdom first. – Matt. 6:33
Until you choose to obey God’s instructions, the struggles continue.
The cost of disobedience is gruesome; don’t toy with it.
Revival is a move of God among His people and every move of God is ordained to move His people forward.
You are not the light of the church but the light of the world.
What the move of God carries.
1. Every move of God is ordained to move His people forward. – Joel 2:23-24
2. Every move of the Spirit of God drafts multitudes into the kingdom thereby turning the church into a solution centre in the world. – Act 2:2, 41
3. A platform for divine visitation ordained for our change of story. – Zeph. 3:19
4. It is a spiritual awakening that causes the giant in us to rise. – Ezek. 37:7,21

Evidence of a Revival
1. When the heart of a man begins to pant after God and the interests of His kingdom. – Ps. 42:2, Ps. 119:46
2. When walking in the fear of God becomes your new way of life. – Ps. 112:1-3
What is in a Revival
1. It is a spiritual launching pad to our high places in life. – Hab. 3:2-3
2. Every revival culminates in the supernatural restoration of the redemptive dignity of the believer. – Zeph. 3:19-20
3. You enjoy express answers to prayers in a revival. – Acts 12:8, John 15:16
No door can be shut against you when God is leading you.
Walking with the presence of God is walking in the war-free zone of life.

To secure Open Doors:
1. Be born again and remain so. – 2 Cor. 5:17
2. Continue to walk in the fear of God. – Gen.39:3,20-21
3. Remain in love with God. – John 14:21
4. Be committed to following His leading. Isa. 45:1-2
5. Enter into a covenant to serve God and He will give you rest roundabout. – 2 Chr. 15:15, Heb. 4:9, Isa. 42:19
-When you walk with God, you become a terror to the devil and his agents.
-Stop playing games to open doors; walk straight.