Message Title: Unveiling Our Breakthrough Heritage in the Word (Pt. 3)
Bishop David Oyedepo
Every provision of scripture is free but your obedience is required to take delivery of them.
There is nothing God says that is beyond you to do, if you truly choose to do it.
Until you see what God says, He is not committed to make it happen. – Jer. 1:12
The brighter you see, the faster you take delivery.

Our inheritance is locked up in the Book but it takes revelation to access it.
Every child of God is a seed of Abraham and is ordained to be a blessing not a burden to their world.
The Word of God comes in to renew our minds thereby renewing our lives. – Rom. 12:2
We are not redeemed to live in fear and in dread of the powers of darkness. – Eph 2:6
Let the Word of God gain ascendancy over your little knowledge.
When light comes, darkness, loses its strength.
Every child is a reflection of the parent, so also as children of God, we share divinity with Him.

Our Heritage from The Word
1. We are redeemed as stars and not as failures. – Rev. 22:16
2. We are redeemed to be above all principalities and powers – Eph. 1:21 Eph. 2:5-6
3. We are redeemed as divine personalities. – John 3:8
4. We are redeemed to command supernatural breakthroughs. – Matt. 5:14, Isa 60:1
To access you Inheritance in Christ:
1. Possess a meek spirit. – 1 Peter 3:4
– It takes meekness to access revelation because God only reveals Himself to the meek. – Matt. 11:29 Num. 12:3
– Meekness enhances the quality of your obedience to God.

To actualize a Glorious Marital Destiny
1. Be born again – John 3:3
– No proud believer has a future
2. Remain committed to serving God and the interests of His kingdom. – Ex. 23:26, Matt. 6:33
3. Beware of pride.

– Pride is a destroyer; it can destroy individuals and homes.
– Pride has kept a many people unmarried.
4. Engage the power of faith to stand against the power of the devil. – Eph. 6:16
5. Make God your only source of expectation. – James 1:7, Ps. 16:4
– Other gods multiply sorrows, only God multiplies blessings.
– Receive the truth, believe the truth and declare the truth without shame, and God will confirm it in your life.